Monday, February 11, 2013

Counting down to Beach Body - End of Week 1

Saturday was the end of the first week of what I'm affectionately calling my Beach Body work out. Its def not one of the workouts you see at 3am in the morning, although I wouldn't mind trying the MMA workout craze. This 3 month workout is actually something I tried once before but lost focus in years ago. My buddy Doug found it in Men's Fitness back in 2005 and I've had it laying around since then. Figured I'd go ahead, give it a shot, and use Blogger to keep track of the results (and keep me from giving up ha). You can see a copy of the work out at the end of this blog.

Now I have to say that I'm not doing the full workout. Since I'm still healing from a stress fracture, I've had to re-arrange some exercises since the only leg workouts I can do is light weight, high rep leg presses, stationary bike, and the elliptical. You'll see that i only do two different days of work instead of three... which lets me hit most of my muscle group three times a week instead of two. I *hope* that I get cleared to do heavier exercises soon like squats or else I'll have a great time wearing shorts this summer (not really).

So to set the tone... I took some pics before I started on January 30, 2013. Not too bad of shape but def am looking at gaining more muscle strength and toning up. This was also the day the doc cleared me to do some cardio and lower leg work so figured it was a great day to start tracking. So starting at about 185lbs...

Now for the workout... Its broken up into two days:
  • Workout A: Chest, Shoulders, and Tri's
  • Workout B: Back, modified leg, and biceps/arm
Cause its only two days, I get the joy of doing each work out three times a week with Sunday to rest. The schedule goes something like this:
  • Weeks 1-3: Heavy weight to do 3-5 reps for 3 sets
  • Weeks 5-7: Medium weight to do 6-8 reps for 3 sets
  • Weeks 9-11: light weight to do 9-12 reps for 4 sets
Weeks 4, 8, and 12 are pump weeks that I'm not exactly looking forward to. I'll post about em when it gets to those weeks.

I'm also using Nitro Tech Whey Isolate for protein with No Xplode for energy and Cell Mass for recovery. 

How'd I'd do the first week? Take a look at my log:

Workout A

Workout B

Again... I really cant do legs so i alternate days of cardio (elliptical or bike) and light weight, heavy rep leg presses. Soon... soon I'll be back up.

Anyway, Saturday February 9th came about and I measured my results, sorta. Haven't done the tape measure along body parts but I figured photos would do justice. I actually dropped two pounds and came in at 183. I also realized that my waist line was dropping... nice eh? So now for the photos...

It may not look like much but I think there are some definite improvements so far. I'm excited to see what the end of the three months will look like. 

Why am I blogging about this? I'd like to not only use this to track my progress but y'all will help me stay motivated and dedicated. In 11 weeks I hope to have a final blog about my experience with this workout. Its been awhile since I've stuck to a workout program this long before, although usually I'm thrown off cause of an injury.

I'm depending on y'all to hold me accountable! Lets go!

- B

Oh.. and I did promise the full unedited workout didn't I?

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